CP Mini-Course by Prof. J. Hooker at Unicamp

Prof. John Hooker will stay for about a month at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). During that period, he will teach a mini-course entitled “Constraint Programming and CP/OR Integration”. For those interested in enrolling in the course, which is limited to 40 students, contact Prof. Cid de Souza according to the instructions that follow. The instructions are in Portuguese, but the course will be taught in English.

Prezad*s colegas,

Gostaria de pedir a vocês que divulgassem aos eventuais interessados o mini-curso de “Constraint Programming and CP/OR Integration” a ser ministrado pelo Prof. John Hooker da Tepper School of Business da Universidade Carnegie Mellon aqui no IC/UNICAMP de 26/09 a 26/10/2012. Detalhes sobre o curso podem ser lidos no texto do anúncio que se encontra no final desta mensagem. Convém chamar a atenção dos interessados sobre os horários e locais das aulas pois estes irão variar de acordo com o dia da semana.

Favor informar a quem quiser fazer o mini-curso que preencha os dados do pequeno formulário abaixo e enviem-no para o meu email (cid@ic.unicamp.br), colocando no assunto (subject) os seguintes dizeres: “Registration: CP Mini-Course by Prof. J. Hooker”.

Como só temos cerca de 40 vagas disponíveis, atenderemos aos pedidos de acordo com a ordem de chegada dos mesmos. Portanto, seria bom que as pessoas interessadas não deixassem para a última hora.

Agradeço a colaboração de vocês e, claro, convido-*s a participar do mini-curso caso tenham interesse e disponibilidade.




(corte aqui)
Formulário de Inscrição no Mini-Curso
Informe abaixo sua ocupação atual:
[ ] graduando; Curso: ____; Instituição: _____;
[ ] mestrando; Curso: ____; Instituição: _____; Orientador: ____;
[ ] doutorando; Curso: ____; Instituição: _____; Orientador: ____;
[ ] pós-doutorando; Instituição: _____; Supervisor: ____; Orientador: ____;
[ ] docente; Departamento: ___; Instituição: ____;
[ ] outro; Especificar (cargo, empresa, etc): ____;

Observação: até o dia 16/9 a sua inscrição será confirmada via email.
(corte aqui)

Anúncio do Mini-Curso

Mini-Curso: Constraint Programming and CP/OR Integration

Instituto de Computação – UNICAMP


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> APOIO: FAPESP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Prof. Dr. John Hooker
Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University

Short Bio:

John Hooker is the T. Jerome Holleran Professor of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility and a professor of operations research at the Tepper School of Business. He joined the Tepper School in 1984 and has since held several visiting posts, most recently at the London School of Economics. He holds doctoral degrees in philosophy and operations research.

Professor Hooker has published over 130 articles, 6 books, and 5 edited volumes. In the area of operations research, he has produced pioneering work on the integration of optimization technologies and wrote the first book on the subject. He is also the author of Optimization Methods for Logical Inference and two editions of Integrated Methods for Optimization. He has served on several editorial boards, including two decades as an area editor for INFORMS Journal on Computing. He is an INFORMS Fellow and recipient of the INFORMS Computing Society Prize.

He also has interests in business ethics and cross-cultural management, as reflected in his books Business Ethics as Rational Choice and Working across Cultures. He is founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Business Ethics Education and co-organized four conferences on international corporate responsibility. He has lived and worked in Australia, China, Denmark, India, Qatar, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Zimbabwe, and has extensive experience in Germany and Mexico.

Professor Hooker headed the Tepper School’s undergraduate business administration program from 1996 to 2001 and received a Distinguished Academic Service Award for his contributions. In 2009, he was recognized with an Award for Sustained Teaching Excellence.

Para maiores detalhes ver: http://ba.gsia.cmu.edu/jnh/

Objetivo do Curso:

The goal of this mini-course is to give an opportunity for the researchers and students in the field of Combinatorial Optimization to be brought up to date on the progress that has been made by the CP community in the last years, both theoretically and computationally. The duration of the mini-course will be 16 to 20 hours, divided into 8 to 10 sessions (one per day) of 2 hours each. It will be opened for any researcher interested in the topic and not constrained to the IC/UNICAMP community. However, some limitations may occur due to the physical infrastructure available (size of classrooms, etc).

Conteúdo do Curso:

Constraint Programming
   Basis ideas of constraint programming (CP)
      Global constraints
      Constraint-based processing
      Constraint propagation
   CP modeling
      Employee scheduling
      Assembly line sequencing
      Resource-constrained scheduling
      Other models
      Strong k-consistency
      Domain consistency
      Bounds consistency
   The element constraint
      Variable subscripts
      Achieving domain consistency
   The alldiff constraint
      Review of network flow theory
      Achieving domain consistency
      Achieving bounds consistency
   The cardinality and nvalues constraints
   The among and sequence constraints
      Filtering based on cumulative sums
      Flow-based filtering
   The stretch constraint
      Dynamic programming model
      Domain filtering
   The regular constraint
      Deterministic finite automata
      Domain filtering
      Filtering by decomposition
   Disjunctive scheduling
      Edge finding rules
      Not-first/not-last rules
   Cumulative scheduling
      Edge finding rules
      Not-first/not-last rules
      Energy-based reasoning

CP/OR integration
   Basic ideas
      Branch, infer, and relax
      Example: freight transport
      Example: production planning
      Example: product configuration
      Example: Routing and frequency assignment
   Inference and relaxation duality
      Example: bounds propagation
      Example: Lagrangian relaxation
   CP-based branch and price
      Example: airline crew scheduling
   Logic-based Benders decomposition
      Example: planning and scheduling

Dias/Horários das Aulas:

Fique atento pois as aulas das quartas e sextas serão em horários e locais diferentes.

Quarta: 26/09, das 18:00 às 20:00 horas, sala 85 IC-2
Sexta.: 28/09, das 10:00 às 12:00 horas, sala 316 IC-3
Quarta: 03/10, das 18:00 às 20:00 horas, sala 85 IC-2
Sexta.: 05/10, das 10:00 às 12:00 horas, sala 316 IC-3
Quarta: 10/10, das 18:00 às 20:00 horas, sala 85 IC-2
Sexta.: 12/10 *************** FERIADO ***************
Quarta: 17/10, das 18:00 às 20:00 horas, sala 85 IC-2
Sexta.: 19/10, das 10:00 às 12:00 horas, sala 316 IC-3
Quarta: 24/10, das 18:00 às 20:00 horas, sala 85 IC-2
Sexta.: 26/10, das 10:00 às 12:00 horas, sala 316 IC-3


Prof. Cid de Souza (cid@ic.unicamp.br)

OBSERVAÇÃO: o mini-curso será integralmente ministrado em inglês.